I do have this problem with alcohol.
I started drinking at a very young age. And since then, a good part of my young life was spent drunk. I even owe it to alcohol why I have become a young mom. But even if I love my kid, there's still that part of me that hasn't gotten over my drinking.
Though not as often as before, I get to drink sometimes. The problem is, the long consumption of alcohol have already damaged a lot of brain cells and when I reach my alcohol limit, I often do not recall what I have done when drunk. This condition got me into a lot of trouble- I already got myself beaten, I have also hurt people. I easily get angry when drunk and I have this shitty way of handling words that bitches people.
By the next morning or afternoon, I'll be waking up with a throbbing head, vomiting or just extremely nauseous, body aching... and a couple of times- looking into the mirror with my bruised, swollen face staring back at me. At this times, when I generally hurt... it's so easy to promise myself to never take a shot again.
But after sometime, I get to go out with friends... and drink and if I get unlucky... I get stupid all over again!